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My Journey To A Healthy Me

Hello! I started this blog to document my personal journey to get healthy. Over time, it evolved into sharing what I did, with others. The p...

Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Progress Update - Almost 6 months

For two years, I was completely confident that I was so different, so special, with such unique and weird food issues, that this program wouldn't work for me. I straight up told my friend (who is now my coach) that it wasn't going to work and I wasn't going to do it...and I didn't say that just once, I said it repeatedly for two years. 

By October of 2020, I hit a point where I had nothing else to lose by trying this program. I was following my own special elimination diet. I was feeling like crap from nearly every food I ate. I was so sure that this program wouldn't work, that I twisted it around in my mind and thought it would be one more thing to add to my list of failures (up there with whole30, keto, WW, intermittent fasting, dairy free, gluten free, soy free, low carb, pescatarian, blah blah blah) and say "yep, that didn't work for me". 

I told my coach I'd commit to it for a month (but really, I was thinking two weeks in my head). I gave it two weeks at 100% expecting ZERO results, expecting to fail. I convinced myself I had to give it my all, and then when I failed it was because the program didn't work, not because I didn't follow the program (it was that twisted in my head).

I started program on October 12, 2020. By October 15, I knew this was different. Three full days and I knew this program was going to change my life. Turns out I'm not special. I'm not unique. I'm not the one person it doesn't work for. This program works for 100% of the people, 100% of the time, if you commit to it 100%. It's not a magic drug, pill or potion - it's real food, and a real shift in mindset, and it WORKS. 

All it took was me being desperate enough to try one more thing to feel better. I didn't care about the number on the scale - I cared about feeling better. I cared about eating food again. I cared about my clothes fitting properly.

I found my hope on this program. I found myself. I want that for you too. Let me help you find your hope. Let me help you find yourself. It's worth it.

This is about being HEALTHY. I’m not gonna talk to you about “summer bodies” or whatever, because I think that’s crap. Your body is your body no matter the season. 

I am going to talk to you about how I finally got to the point where I feel so good on the inside, the outside doesn’t matter. Yes, I am loving buying new clothes. I am also loving being able to do things physically that I couldn’t do before (cross my legs comfortably, run and chase my kids, play hopscotch and not want to keel over, curl my legs up under me in a chair, etc), but all of that is secondary to this immense feeling of happiness and excitement, and the ability to feel so friggin good, that I’ve been able to dream again. Not short term wishy washy ideas, but big, exciting, amazing goals for myself and my future. When I say this program changed my life, I mean it changed ME. Now that I’m feeling more like myself, my life is changing - and I couldn’t be happier about it. It’s wild and wonderful to have dreams & know they’re possible and achievable.

When you’re ready to dream again, let me know - I’ll share everything I have learned, and we can enjoy this journey together.


Saturday, February 20, 2021

Not A Diet #NotADiet

Someone made a comment to me yesterday about how I can say I'm not on a diet, when I've lost almost 60 lbs in 5 months. I've been thinking about it a lot. 

In the true sense of the word, your diet is simply the food that you eat. But it also can mean a special kind of food or restricting the foods you eat in order to lose weight. That form of "diet" implies a lot of yo-yo-like ups and downs, with some form or food restrictions and being either "on a diet" or "off my diet" and "cheat days".

I wasn't healthy. I had to lose weight to get healthier. My body was suffering, my sleep was suffering, my energy was lacking, and I was on a very dangerous path with the potential complications from obesity. 

I *knew* I needed to do something to become healthier, but *nothing* was working - and it wasn't for lack of trying. 

This program forced me to face some hard truths about my nutrition. I now eat 6 times a day, and I don't skip meals. I don't ever go longer than 3 hours without eating. I drink 100oz+ of water each day. I am eating real food - no artificial colors/flavors/preservatives. I am learning portion sizes. I am not taking a wild assortment of supplements anymore (talk about throwing my body out of whack). I have balanced my nutrition with the exact right combination of macros (and I don't even have to think about or track it!). In fact, I almost never even think about food - I don't stress about it, and I don't feel restricted. 

As a result, my inflammation has decreased. My sleep has drastically improved. My energy is through the roof and I'm not feeling that afternoon slump. I created healthy habits for my schedule, and start my day with a morning routine, and wind down with an evening routine - every single day. I've reduced my time on electronic devices. My whole life has changed, because I finally feel hope for myself, hope for my health, hope for my future. 


I stopped caring what other people think, because my health affects ME. I don't want to waste my time (or my health) on programs that restrict foods forever - whether it be eliminating certain types of food, or limiting when you can eat. Been there, done that, it didn't work. I made a choice to utilize this program to learn the habits of health, which translate to lifelong transformation - not just for my food and nutrition, but for every aspect of my life. 

If you have questions, don't be ashamed to reach out and talk to me. I won't pressure you, and there's no harm in learning more. Don't make assumptions based on google or whatever random stuff you see online - talk to me, I've done the program, I've seen the results, and I feel so strongly about the health benefits of it, I committed to share it with others. 

These habits are not a diet, but an entire upheaval to my nutrition. I can make healthy choices, or I can choose to intentionally make a not-so-healthy choice (and identify it as such), but I know how to navigate back to the healthy choices - and as long as I am making those choices intentionally, I know I am good! This program has been a total makeover of my mindset. 



I choose ME.

Not A Diet - Diet vs. Health

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