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My Journey To A Healthy Me

Hello! I started this blog to document my personal journey to get healthy. Over time, it evolved into sharing what I did, with others. The p...

Showing posts with label Independent Certified OPTAVIA Coach. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Independent Certified OPTAVIA Coach. Show all posts

Monday, April 15, 2024

Virtual High-Five to Coaches and Clients: Newsletter 4/15/24

 Please click below to view my OPTAVIA Healthy Habits eNewsletter from the week of 4/15/24. If you'd like to receive a copy in your email each week, please complete this quick form https://forms.gle/294fANVKAafReuQJ7 with your email address and a request to subscribe to the newsletter. 

If you'd like to learn more about the program and how to utilize it as a tool to reach your health goals, let's talk! https://form.jotform.com/223644431205144

Read the newsletter here: https://optaviashare.com/p/8b33c79ec70f1c9f9ca7940de9f7d0c4/14975537

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Six Months!

It's been SIX MONTHS since I made a decision to take control of my health. October 11, 2020 was the day before I started on this program. I was nervous and scared, but also so so so tired of feeling like crap. I had zero expectations, and I was positive it wouldn't work for me, but I also told myself I was giving it 100%, so that when I didn't have any results and still felt like crap in two weeks, it was because the program didn't work, not because I didn't follow it properly. <Yeah, read that again - I know how twisted that sounds.>

I actually wrote down "I am going to put 100% into this program. I need it for myself" and "I want to feel healthy. I want my kids to have a good example. I want my boyfriend to be proud of me. I want to fit into my clothes again. I want to travel."

Those are all superficial reasons - but they were all I had at the time. I didn't know how much my life would change from this program. I didn't know that in 4.5 months, I'd lose SIXTY POUNDS and keep it off. I didn't know I'd build healthy habits that will last me the rest of my life. I didn't know that my body would finally balance out, my inflammation would go away, my digestive issues would be nearly completely resolved, I'd be able to eat whatever I wanted again (in moderation), and I'd feel friggin amazing with more energy than I've had in years. I didn't know that I'd be sleeping better, and that making myself a priority is not at all a selfish thing to do, and that taking care of myself feels pretty darn amazing. 

I took that picture on the left on October 12, 2020. I was absolutely certain it wasn't ever going to be seen or shown anywhere and I was going to delete it (but I didn't, because I needed some sort of visual to see if I made any progress). You can see the defeat on my face. The picture on the right is from this month - April 2021. I can't even put into words the difference in my outlook and demeanor. I feel alive again. I have hope - maybe for the first time in my entire adult life. I HAVE HOPE FOR MY FUTURE.

It took me three days to know this program was different. 

It took me three weeks to know I had to share it with others, because keeping it to myself was not ok. 

I changed my life in a matter of weeks. After struggling for YEARS to make a difference, I found my health on this program. And I want that for everyone I know. I am HERE for it. When you're ready, I'm here for you. I want to help you, too. I want you to feel this amazing, and experience this level of freedom. I want to share it with everyone I know. It's too good to keep to myself. 

Six Months on OPTAVIA - MyJourneyToAHealthyMe.com


Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Progress Update - Almost 6 months

For two years, I was completely confident that I was so different, so special, with such unique and weird food issues, that this program wouldn't work for me. I straight up told my friend (who is now my coach) that it wasn't going to work and I wasn't going to do it...and I didn't say that just once, I said it repeatedly for two years. 

By October of 2020, I hit a point where I had nothing else to lose by trying this program. I was following my own special elimination diet. I was feeling like crap from nearly every food I ate. I was so sure that this program wouldn't work, that I twisted it around in my mind and thought it would be one more thing to add to my list of failures (up there with whole30, keto, WW, intermittent fasting, dairy free, gluten free, soy free, low carb, pescatarian, blah blah blah) and say "yep, that didn't work for me". 

I told my coach I'd commit to it for a month (but really, I was thinking two weeks in my head). I gave it two weeks at 100% expecting ZERO results, expecting to fail. I convinced myself I had to give it my all, and then when I failed it was because the program didn't work, not because I didn't follow the program (it was that twisted in my head).

I started program on October 12, 2020. By October 15, I knew this was different. Three full days and I knew this program was going to change my life. Turns out I'm not special. I'm not unique. I'm not the one person it doesn't work for. This program works for 100% of the people, 100% of the time, if you commit to it 100%. It's not a magic drug, pill or potion - it's real food, and a real shift in mindset, and it WORKS. 

All it took was me being desperate enough to try one more thing to feel better. I didn't care about the number on the scale - I cared about feeling better. I cared about eating food again. I cared about my clothes fitting properly.

I found my hope on this program. I found myself. I want that for you too. Let me help you find your hope. Let me help you find yourself. It's worth it.

This is about being HEALTHY. I’m not gonna talk to you about “summer bodies” or whatever, because I think that’s crap. Your body is your body no matter the season. 

I am going to talk to you about how I finally got to the point where I feel so good on the inside, the outside doesn’t matter. Yes, I am loving buying new clothes. I am also loving being able to do things physically that I couldn’t do before (cross my legs comfortably, run and chase my kids, play hopscotch and not want to keel over, curl my legs up under me in a chair, etc), but all of that is secondary to this immense feeling of happiness and excitement, and the ability to feel so friggin good, that I’ve been able to dream again. Not short term wishy washy ideas, but big, exciting, amazing goals for myself and my future. When I say this program changed my life, I mean it changed ME. Now that I’m feeling more like myself, my life is changing - and I couldn’t be happier about it. It’s wild and wonderful to have dreams & know they’re possible and achievable.

When you’re ready to dream again, let me know - I’ll share everything I have learned, and we can enjoy this journey together.


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