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My Journey To A Healthy Me

Hello! I started this blog to document my personal journey to get healthy. Over time, it evolved into sharing what I did, with others. The p...

Showing posts with label electrolytes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label electrolytes. Show all posts

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Getting Enough Water on Optavia

 Optavia recommends drinking at least 64 ounces of water each day. My coach recommends 100 ounces of water. 

I've always drank a lot of water each day. I keep a 30 oz insulated stainless steel tumbler with me at home, and I drink from a stainless steel straw, which I think makes it easier to drink more for some weird reason. I'm home most of the days, so this works for me, because with my tumbler and straw, I don't have to worry about it spilling or tipping over just moving around the house.

I try to drink a full tumbler of water before I do anything in the morning, and that helps me get started off on the right foot with my water for the day. 

I keep a 90 oz tempered glass water pitcher at home to track my water each day. I refill it every morning and just leave it on my counter. I refill my tumbler with ice throughout the day, so I'm actually getting more than the 90oz in the pitcher when the ice melts, and it has been amazing to keep up with my water intake. This is the pitcher I have, and it has a stainless steel lid that can filter out infusions if I want to add fresh cucumber or lime or lemon to my water for a little bit of flavor.

If I'm not at home, my water containers are HydroFlask (I particularly like the lightweight ones) and I alternate which one I use and the lid/cap based on what I'm doing. They have different options, so it's easy to pick and choose what's best for the day - a cafe style lid if I'll be in the car, or a loop cap if I'll be out walking or hiking. I don't like plastic or silicone so I am very mindful of that for myself.

I've seen big plastic jugs that mark how much water is in them too, that would be helpful if you're out and about and need something to track it. The 3L or 1gal jugs of water at the grocery store are also helpful to keep on track with water consumption if you're out and about or traveling by car. 

Drinking this much water each day can deplete your electrolytes, so if you ever feel slightly off, I highly recommend drinking some Ultima Replenisher Electrolyte Hydration Powder mixed with water, or something else like Powerade Zero. It usually helps me immediately. Of course, if it is happening often, please consult your doctor!

What other tips do you have for getting in enough water each day? 

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Optavia 5&1 Plan Tips - How to be successful on Optavia!

 Here are some tips I figured out over the past month, since I started the Optavia 5&1 Plan. If you're brand new to Optavia, or considering Optavia, or just getting started on Optavia, see this post for additional information

I had a few people ask about buying some of the products I use - here is a handy dandy Amazon list of my favorite items. YES - you can find them in local stores, sometimes at better prices (sometimes not). You can add them to your own cart for quick and easy purchasing though! 

  • Eat what you're supposed to eat EVERY SINGLE DAY. 5 Fuelings. 1 Lean and Green. Water.
  • I don't "hack" the fuelings. I prepare them as instructed, and eat them. Some of the fuelings I will cook in the Dash Waffle Maker (see my tips on how to prepare Fuelings in the Dash!) instead of the microwave (the biscuit, pancakes, mashed potatoes in particular) but I'm not trying to make it more complicated for myself by adding in parts of my Lean and Green throughout the day. It is SO much simpler for me to eat five fuelings and one full Lean and Green every day. 
    • Okay, there is one thing I hack every once in a while - I will mix 4 oz of cold brew coffee with 4 oz of water, a few ice cubes, and a shake, and then blend in my single-serve blender. I don't drink coffee daily, so it's not an every-day thing, but every so often I like to do this. 
  • If you don't really care for the taste of a fueling at first, set it aside for a week and come back to it. Your tastes will change. You might find that something you didn't really care for, is suddenly super tasty. Part of this program is the mental process to view food as fuel, not as comfort. 
  • DRINK YOUR WATER. I bought a new pitcher that holds 90 oz of water, and I refill from that every day. A lot of people recommend the big jugs on Amazon that hold a gallon of water, and have lines marked up the side with times, so you know how much to drink in different blocks of time. 
  • I have alarms set on my phone for 8 am, 10:30 am, 1 pm, 3:30 pm, 6 pm, and 8:30 pm. That's every two and a half hours, which gives me a few minutes leeway if I need it to prep something. Five of those times are for fuelings, and one is for my Lean and Green.
    • I don't always eat my Lean and Green at the same time, because my schedule doesn't work that way. 
    • Make sure you're eating the proper amount of healthy fats for your Lean and Green! I am happy to work with you to help figure this out as needed. 
    • Don't forget to count your Condiments!
  • Some of the fuelings (the chicken noodle soup, the mac n cheese, and the pasta in particular) I will cook according to the directions, and then transfer to an insulated container to sit until my next fueling. This softens up the noodles and thickens up the sauce a bit, and makes it super yummy. 
  • Invest in a kitchen food scale that measures to the ounce. I use it EVERY DAY to weigh out my greens, healthy fats and protein. This is the one I have used for the past 5+ years, and it's only about $10. 
  • Document everything you eat and when you eat it. At first I was getting confused on my times and fuelings. I tracked my first 30 days in my OPTAVIA Guide (it comes with your initial fuelings order, and helps you work on the mental stuff - so don't skip over this!) and I also tracked in an app on my phone called Lose It. 
  • I have an Apple Watch, so I track my sleep at night. You can go back and see my posts on how much my sleep has improved - it's really incredible. This is probably my favorite "side effect" of the program.
  • I love the Ultima electrolyte replacements. You can find them on Amazon or at some health-food stores, or directly through their website. You can have up to 3 servings per day. I buy the little packets because it's easy, but they also sell tubs that you can scoop from. Some people prefer Powerade Zero but I really like the Ultima and they're super portable - just mix a packet with a 16 oz bottle of water and you're good to go. 
    • If you have a headache, or feel dizzy, or anything like that - your body is probably not used to all the water, and you will NEED the electrolyte replacement to help balance out, especially at first. Don't skip this! 
  • I also take Natural Calm (the powder, not the gummies or capsules!) every night at bed. The raspberry lemon is my favorite flavor. I was already taking this before I started Optavia - because just about everyone is deficient in magnesium! - but I make sure now I don't skip it at night. 
    • To prepare it, I boil water, and add 1-1.5 tsp of Natural Calm to a cup, then pour just a few ounces of boiling water over and stir. It will fizz, so stir until it's done fizzing and the powder dissolves. Then I add 4 ounces or so of cold water, mix again, and drink. 
  • I weigh myself every morning before I get dressed. 
    • I also use the app Happy Scale to see my progress. I like this app because it shows progress as trends and doesn't focus on the daily ups and downs as much as the overall trends. 
    • I set mini goals within the app, so I can feel good about hitting smaller goals on my way to bigger goals. 
  • Keep a fueling or two on you - in your purse or bag, in your car, whatever. There is no excuse to not be prepared! You don't want to find yourself stuck somewhere when it's time to eat, and realize you don't have anything handy. 
  • Similarly, you can totally follow this program while traveling. It is SO EASY to pack your fuelings and be prepared. Plan ahead. 
  • Take pictures! TRUST ME! You will want to see your progress. 
  • If you feel like crap during the first few days, it's normal. Read back over my posts from Days 2-5 or so. Your body is adjusting to a whole new schedule and new foods, and (again) IT IS NORMAL TO FEEL CRAPPY. The best thing you can do is power through it - stick to the program, and it will pass in a day or two or three. 
    • You'll also probably be gassy at first. Again, this is NORMAL. Your body will adjust!
    • After those first few days of feeling like crap, you'll be in what we call "Fat Burn" and you'll feel AMAZING. Your energy will skyrocket, you'll be sleeping better, and you'll feel better all around. 
  • Chill out on the exercise. Let your body adjust to this program. Give yourself three weeks, and do nothing but light walking for thirty minutes a day, at most. Then work with your coach on adding more strenuous exercise back in if you wish. 
  • Give yourself grace. This is a lifelong health program, and your whole outlook on food and on life is going to change. You will be a different person inside and out. Just follow the program!
    • USE YOUR LIFEBOOK! It should be part of your kit (I hope you ordered it!) and it is SO helpful at breaking down habits and helping you really assess yourself and grow. 
  • As for cheating...if you "cheat" on the program, you're going to push yourself out of fat burn. It will take you 3-4 days to get back to fat burn. That's approximately $40 worth of fuelings. Is it worth it? Sometimes your answer might be yes, but make sure it is intentional. 
    • I don't like calling it cheating. The only person who is affected if you choose to go off program, is you. I ask myself, "Is eating/drinking this going to help me reach my health goals?" and if the answer is NO, then I set it aside and give myself 30 minutes to think about it. I drink a cup of water. If 30 minutes later I come back to it and decide I do actually want to eat/drink it, I ask myself "What is eating/drinking this going to do for me? Will I feel better?" and then allow myself to make a choice. I have not yet encountered anything that passes this test. The books call this STOP. CHOOSE. CHALLENGE. 
  • I have three apps I keep on my phone and use daily - I list those here (LoseIt, HappyScale, EatWise): http://www.myjourneytoahealthyme.com/2021/02/recommended-apps.html
This program is AMAZING. Reach out anytime to me with questions. If I'm not your coach, please reach out to your coach for support and advice. I am always available on social media or by text - my contact information is in the side bar of my page. 


This program WORKS if you follow it. YOU are the one in control. YOU are strong and capable and YOU CAN DO THIS. 


I had a few people ask about buying some of the products I use - here is a handy dandy Amazon list of my favorite items. YES - you can find them in local stores, sometimes at better prices (sometimes not). You can add them to your own cart for quick and easy purchasing though! 

If you have tips to add, please leave a comment below! 

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Optavia Day 4 - 10/15/20

 Optavia Day 4 - October 15, 2020

I feel like crap today. My head hurts, I'm gassy, I have diarrhea, I just all around feel gross. I'm sticking to plan though because this is what I was told would happen this week, just before fat burn kicks in. They said EVERYONE goes through this and then it's like a lightbulb goes off and everything is so much better.  I still am sleeping okay. 

Today's fuelings: chocolate shake, cinnamon crunchy o's, s'mores bar, oatmeal, and a double peanut butter bar. I had three Ultima electrolyte things today and it made a HUGE difference with my headache. My lean and green was shrimp, avocado, spaghetti squash, and tomatoes with some on-plan dressing. I like Walden Farms French dressing the best. 

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Optavia Day 3 - 10/14/20

 Day 3 - today I was super hungry and had a headache. I made sure to drink the Ultima electrolyte powder and that helped. My coach said I could have up to three a day. I guess this is the transition to being in Fat Burn like they talk about - the crummy feeling before the amazing feeling. I stuck to the program though. My fuelings today were: cinnamon crunchy o's, smoky bbq crunchers, spinach pesto Mac and cheese, honey chili cranberry bar, and a chocolate mint Cookie Crisp bar. My lean and green was lettuce, with shrimp, avocado, and on-plan dressing. 

I've been sleeping better at night, which is awesome. Like sleeping soundly and waking up feeling refreshed. 

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