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My Journey To A Healthy Me

Hello! I started this blog to document my personal journey to get healthy. Over time, it evolved into sharing what I did, with others. The p...

Showing posts with label Optavia Week 1. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Optavia Week 1. Show all posts

Monday, October 19, 2020

Optavia Day 8 - 10/19/20 - WEIGH IN

 Today I started Week 2 of Optavia. 

First things first - I weighed in after finishing my first full week:

I lost 11.7 pounds! 

HOLY SMOKES! I can't even believe it. I started last Monday and I was super bloated so I'm sure that played a part in it, but WOW. Even with going to the mountains and being gone for almost 2 days and I still had this huge success my first week. I love it! 

I also looked at my sleep tracker on my watch and check this out. 

Deep Sleep

Quality Sleep

Sleep Rating

And that sleep rating is even with a night in a hotel room while traveling. I still can't believe how ridiculously easy this program is to follow. I kinda love it! Yay Optavia! 

Average weight loss on the Optimal Weight 5&1 Plan is 12 pounds. Clients are in weight loss, on average, for 12 weeks.

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Optavia Day 7 - 10/18/20

 WEEK 1 and I'm finished with Day 7 on Optavia! I can't wait to weigh in tomorrow and take my measurements. I can't believe how stupidly easy this program is to follow. Even with traveling all day, I was able to stay on the program. I am not 100% sure about my dinner tonight but I followed the dining out guide and I think it was okay. That guide is super helpful. 

Today's fuelings were: chocolate cherry ganache bar, chocolate mint Cookie Crisp bar, honey mustard and onion sticks, creamy double peanut butter bar, and pudding. I had a #16 sub at Jersey Mikes with no cheese and no bread. It made me feel a little bloated (it's meat and I don't usually eat meat) but it was the best I could do while we were driving back from the mountains. 

I am really proud of myself for this week. I stuck to the program completely, with the possible exception of my lean and green today. I drank all my water. I made it through the feeling gross part of the first week and now I feel amazing. I'm really excited for this program and how easy it is. 

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Optavia Day 6 - 10/17/20

 Day 6 and I had my first not-at-home experience with Optavia. We left late afternoon to drive to the mountains for the night, got a hotel room, so we can drive the parkway tomorrow. I was able to pack my lean and green and eat it in the car, and I did just fine! We ordered Chinese to be delivered to the hotel for dinner and I wasn't even tempted - I am so proud of myself for that. It helped that I wasn't hungry. I prepped a brownie for my last fueling before we left, so it was already cooked and ready for me when we were at the hotel too. 

My fuelings today were: cranberry honey nut granola bar, chocolate shake, chicken noodle soup, honey chili cranberry nut bar, and the brownie. My lean and green that I packed for the road was salad with salmon and tomatoes, and the Walden Farms dressing. Somehow I even hit all the water for the day, even though I had to use a port a potty at one of the parks we stopped at on the way to the hotel. I brought my Ultima powder with me too and that was good. I feel like I prepared myself well for today and tomorrow and I'm excited to see the fall colors tomorrow! The weather should be amazing. 

Friday, October 16, 2020

Optavia Day 5 - 10/16/20

 Day 5 is finally here and I feel SO MUCH BETTER today. My stomach isn't bothering me, although I'm still a little gassy. My headache is GONE, whew! I slept great last night again. And I really like all the fuelings I've tried so far. I was down 9 pounds this morning when I weighed myself - whaaaatttt???!!?? 9 pounds! That's so amazing! 

Today's fuelings were: chocolate shake, honey mustard and onion sticks, brownie, cheddar herb biscuit (I cooked this in the Dash waffle maker too - so delicious!), and a double peanut butter bar. My lean and green was salmon with lettuce and cherry tomatoes, and Walden Farms French dressing. I am still hitting my water goal every day too, go me! 

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Optavia Day 4 - 10/15/20

 Optavia Day 4 - October 15, 2020

I feel like crap today. My head hurts, I'm gassy, I have diarrhea, I just all around feel gross. I'm sticking to plan though because this is what I was told would happen this week, just before fat burn kicks in. They said EVERYONE goes through this and then it's like a lightbulb goes off and everything is so much better.  I still am sleeping okay. 

Today's fuelings: chocolate shake, cinnamon crunchy o's, s'mores bar, oatmeal, and a double peanut butter bar. I had three Ultima electrolyte things today and it made a HUGE difference with my headache. My lean and green was shrimp, avocado, spaghetti squash, and tomatoes with some on-plan dressing. I like Walden Farms French dressing the best. 

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Optavia Day 3 - 10/14/20

 Day 3 - today I was super hungry and had a headache. I made sure to drink the Ultima electrolyte powder and that helped. My coach said I could have up to three a day. I guess this is the transition to being in Fat Burn like they talk about - the crummy feeling before the amazing feeling. I stuck to the program though. My fuelings today were: cinnamon crunchy o's, smoky bbq crunchers, spinach pesto Mac and cheese, honey chili cranberry bar, and a chocolate mint Cookie Crisp bar. My lean and green was lettuce, with shrimp, avocado, and on-plan dressing. 

I've been sleeping better at night, which is awesome. Like sleeping soundly and waking up feeling refreshed. 

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Optavia Day 2 - 10/13/20

 Day 2 and I was 100% on top of it! Yeah! Crazy that I'm eating so much more than I normally do, and so frequently. I guess I had all the knowledge on how to be healthy before, I just sucked at implementing it. This program is so easy and straightforward, it is ridiculously simple to follow. 

I am breaking the habits already. I was so used to taking care of everyone around me, that I forgot to take care of myself. I forgot to eat. I forgot to eat healthy foods especially, because the bad foods were easier. This program takes all the thinking out of it, and gives me easy and healthy foods to eat all day long. 

Today my fuelings were: maple brown sugar oatmeal, campfire s'mores bar, chocolate chip pancake (that I cooked in the Dash waffle maker - OMG delicious!), chocolate cherry ganache bar, and chocolate pudding (super yum!). For my lean and green, I had salmon with broccoli and cauliflower rice. And I nailed the water goal for today! 

Monday, October 12, 2020

Optavia Day 1! Monday, October 12, 2020

 Today is DAY 1 of my journey to health! I am so excited. I have alarms set on my phone for 8 am, 10:30 am, 1 pm, 3:30 pm, 6 pm, and 8:30 pm to remind me to eat - five of those are fueling times, and one is a lean and green time. 

I decided to keep it easy and I'm literally just following the plan. I see some people go out and try to split their lean and green into two meals and eat half at lunch and half at dinner, or try to "hack" their fuelings, but I'm not messing with all that. I'm eating a fueling by itself five times a day, and one full lean and green once a day. 

I don't really like meat, and meat doesn't really like me, so I'll probably have to eat a lot of seafood. 

The journal from the Optavia Guide is super helpful in keeping me on track so far. I started my day with a cranberry honey nut bar and then had a creamy chocolate shake mid-morning. I tried the rustic tomato herb penne at 1pm and then a creamy peanut butter crisp bar late afternoon, with my lean and green at 6pm with lettuce, tuna, avocado, and on-plan dressing. Before bed, I had a chocolate mint Cookie Crisp bar, and that was my five fuelings plus a lean and green for today. 

My coach checked in with me and I told her I feel like I've been eating all day long, but otherwise everything is good! I'm used to drinking a lot of water, so hitting 100oz wasn't a problem for me. 

She told me to dream big - average loss is 10lbs per month but she lost faster than that the first few months. 

Overall, it was a good day 1!

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Optavia Day 0 - Sunday, October 11, 2020

Today is Day 0 - the day before I start OPTAVIA. I received my box a few days ago and I'm excited to get started. I had my kickoff call today for new clients and it was really inspirational to get my mind in the right place. I also worked through some of the Lifebook, writing down answers and trying to figure out my WHY. 

Some of what I wrote down...

I am a mom, almost 40 years old. I mastered my digestive issues and now I need to tackle the weight. I want something easy to follow that doesn't take a lot of time to prep and shop. My weight goes up and down by 10-15 lbs regularly. My sleep and energy are mostly okay, I try to exercise a few days per week - walking or kickboxing - but I don't always do that. I tend to skip meals and then overeat with large portion sizes. I don't snack much, and I drink plenty of water. My mental health is okay but I'm tired of the way I feel inside my body. I don't have a lot of extra money, I am working on paying off debt, although I also try to make time for fun especially for my kids but also myself with my friends. 

I WANT TO BE HEALTHY. I want to set a good example for my kids, I want to fit into my clothes again. I want to feel better about myself. 

In the future, I want to travel - Alaska, Scotland, and Ireland are on my list. 

My financial goals need focus. 


I am ready to make a change. 

I am the heaviest I have ever been. 

I want to make a change. 

I am PSYCHED for this program. 

I am CONFIDENT in myself. I know I can be successful if I commit and don't sabotage myself. 

I want to make better choices. I want to lose weight. I want to feel better and fit in my clothes. 

Things I am going to do to start to install the Habits of Healthy Eating and Hydration:

1. Set a timer for fuelings

2. Drink 120 oz of water each day

3. Plan a lean and green meal each day

Things I can stop doing to help me eat healthier and hydrate better right now:

1. not planning meals

2. not tracking water

3. snacking on kids food

Buy Habits of Health and Your LifeBook here: